Hidden Gun Shelf Plans 2024

hidden gun shelf plans

Are you a gun owner looking for a discreet way to store your firearms while keeping them easily accessible? If so, a hidden gun shelf might be just what you need. This article will provide a step-by-step guide to building your DIY gun shelf.

Table of Contents

What is a Hidden Gun Shelf?

A hidden gun shelf is a piece of furniture designed to look like an ordinary shelf. Still, it has a secret compartment for storing firearms. This type of shelf is perfect for those who want to keep their firearms out of sight but still within reach in case of an emergency.

DIY Gun Shelf: Materials Needed

To build your DIY gun shelf, you’ll need the following materials:

  • A wooden shelf
  • A wooden frame for the hidden compartment
  • Wood glue
  • Screws
  • A saw
  • Sandpaper
  • Stain or paint (optional)
  • Magnetic lock

DIY Hidden Gun Shelf: Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these steps to build your own DIY hidden gun shelf:

hidden gun shelf plans

1. Measure the space where you want to install your gun shelf. This will help you determine the shelf size you need to build.

DIY Dumbbell Rack

2. Cut your wooden shelf to the desired size using a saw. Sand the edges of the shelf to smooth them out.

Hidden Gun Shelf Plans

3. Cut your wooden frame to the same size as the shelf. This will be used to create the hidden compartment for your firearms.

4. Apply wood glue to the edges of the wooden frame and attach it to the bottom of the shelf. Use screws to secure the frame to the shelf.

hidden gun shelf plans

5. Sand the frame and shelf until smooth.

6. Stain or paint the shelf and frame to match your decor (optional).

7. Install a magnetic lock on the underside of the shelf. This will keep the hidden compartment closed and secure.

8. Attach the shelf to the wall using screws.

9. Place your firearms in the hidden compartment and close the magnetic lock.

For More InformationClick Here

Congratulations! You have successfully built your own DIY hidden gun shelf.

Tips for Building a Hidden Gun Shelf

  • Plan ahead: Before you start building your hidden gun shelf, take some time to plan out the design and dimensions of the shelf. This will help you avoid mistakes and ensure that your finished product looks and functions how you want it to.
  • Use quality materials: To ensure your hidden gun shelf is sturdy and secure, use high-quality materials such as solid wood and heavy-duty hardware.
  • Take safety precautions: Always wear protective gear such as goggles and gloves when working with power tools and equipment. Follow the instructions carefully and take your time to avoid accidents.
  • Test your shelf: Once you’ve completed your hidden gun shelf, ensure it is secure and functioning correctly. Place your firearms in the secret compartment and test the magnetic lock to ensure they hold them securely.
  • Consider adding additional security features: While the magnetic lock is a good start, you should consider adding extra security features to your hidden gun shelf, such as a combination lock or a biometric lock.
  • Keep your firearms unloaded: It’s important always to keep them when storing them on a hidden gun shelf. This will help prevent accidental discharge and keep your family safe.

DIY Gun Shelf: Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much does it cost to build a hidden gun shelf?

The cost of building a hidden gun shelf will depend on the materials you use. You can expect to spend anywhere from $50 to $150 on materials.

2. How long does it take to build a hidden gun shelf?

The time it takes to build a hidden gun shelf will depend on your experience level. It may take beginners a day or two to complete the project. Experienced woodworkers can complete the project in a few hours.

3. Can I customize the size of my hidden gun shelf?

Yes, you can customize the size of your hidden gun shelf to fit your specific needs.

Yes, hidden gun shelves are legal in most states as long as they are not used to hide firearms from law enforcement.


A hidden gun shelf is a great way to store your firearms discreetly and securely. Following this article’s step-by-step guide, you can build your own DIY hidden gun shelf and customize it to fit your specific needs. Always take safety precautions when working with power tools and equipment. Test your shelf to ensure it is secure and functioning correctly. Happy building!

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